sögn “go”
nafnháttur go; hann goes; þátíð went; lh. þt. gone; nhm. going
- fara
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
I'll go to the store for some milk.
- ferðast
In the story, they went forward in time to see the future.
- fara (í stafrænum umhverfum)
Can you go to the settings menu and adjust the volume?
- fara (ákveðna vegalengd eða á ákveðinn hátt)
The athlete went the entire length of the field in seconds.
- fara (til að taka þátt í athöfn)
Let's go shopping this afternoon.
- fara (frá stað)
It's late; I must go now.
- virka
My old watch goes perfectly after the repair.
- hefjast
The race will go at the sound of the buzzer.
- gera (leik)
In chess, white goes first.
- sækja
- fara (á ákveðinn hátt)
The interview went smoothly.
- fara (að gera eitthvað, oft hvatvísi)
He went and spilled coffee on his new shirt.
- liggja (eða fara eftir ákveðinni leið)
If we go this way, we'll reach the park.
- liggja (frá einum punkti til annars)
The fence goes from the house to the barn.
- liggja (til staðar)
This path goes directly to the old mill.
- verða (í ákveðið ástand, oft neikvætt)
Leave the fish out too long, and it will go bad.
- vera (í ástandi)
The plants will go thirsty without rain.
- verða (í ákveðið ástand eða skilyrði)
The company plans to go public next year.
- breytast (úr einu ástandi eða skilyrði í annað)
The stock prices went from $10 to $15 in a day.
- enda (með ákveðinni niðurstöðu)
The project went better than expected.
- hallast (að ákveðinni niðurstöðu)
- ganga (til ákveðins enda eða niðurstöðu)
Hard work and determination go to make a successful career.
- líða
We had fun, so the time went fast.
- hverfa
The storm went as quickly as it came.
- klárast
His patience went after hours of waiting.
- deyja
I'm sorry to say that your pet fish has gone.
- bresta
The old bridge could go under the weight of the truck.
- skemmast
The paint on the walls is going after years of sunlight exposure.
- seljast (á ákveðnu verði)
The painting went for a record price at the auction.
- farga
This broken computer has to go; it's taking up too much space.
- renna (til einhvers)
The family fortune will go to the eldest child.
- endast (í ákveðinn tíma)
This car can go another 50,000 miles easily.
- ganga (með ákveðna frammistöðu)
The team has gone 3-0 in the playoffs.
- gilda
In this office, what the manager says goes.
- mega
In this creative workspace, any idea goes.
- teljast (gildur eða sannur)
The same rules go for everyone in the class.
- segja
She goes, "Can you believe it?" and I'm like, "No way!"
- gefa (frá sér ákveðið hljóð)
The cows go "moo" on the farm.
- hljóma
I woke up just before the alarm clock went.
- orðast (á ákveðinn hátt)
The poem goes something like "Roses are red, violets are blue..."
- leita (til)
If negotiations fail, we'll go to arbitration.
- reyna (eða þola eitthvað)
He went to great lengths to ensure the event was a success.
- hugsa (um eitthvað ítarlega)
I've gone through the proposal several times and it looks good.
- komast (í gegnum eða inn í rými)
This couch will never go up the narrow staircase.
- hæfa
Your tie doesn't go with your shirt.
- passa (á ákveðinn stað eða stöðu)
The cutlery goes in the top drawer.
- vera (í ástarsambandi)
They've been going out for two years now.
- takast á
He's ready to go anyone who challenges him.
- vera (venjulegt eða dæmigert)
As far as apartments go, this one is fairly priced.
- skipta (jafnt)
We can go halves on the pizza if you like.
- vega (eða gefa ákveðna uppskeru)
The cotton bales go a ton each.
- bjóða (á ákveðna upphæð peninga)
I can go $200 on the antique vase.
- óska (eftir einhverju)
After work, I could really go a cold drink.
- þurfa (að fara á klósett)
Excuse me, I really need to go.
- hvetja
Go, team, go! Win that game!
Nafnorð “go”
eintala go, fleirtala goes eða óteljanlegt
- umferð
It's my go on the chessboard now.
- tilraun
I'll give fixing this old radio a go.
- leyfi
The project is a go once we get the green light from the boss.
- virkni
The goes of the machine were smooth and consistent.
- tízka
Wearing top hats was quite the go in the 19th century.
- veisla
The party was a high go, with music and dancing all night.
- skammtur (af áfengi)
He ordered a go of whiskey to warm himself up.
- skammtur
I had a go of the new ice cream flavor.
- kraftur
He's lost all his go and just sits around all day.
- lota
He finished the puzzle in one go.
lýsingarorð “go”
grunnform go, ekki stigbreytanlegt
- tilbúinn
The spacecraft is go for launch.
Nafnorð “go”
eintala go, óteljanlegt
- borðspil þar sem leikmenn keppast um að ná yfirráðum yfir svæðum með spilapúlum sínum
They played go for hours, deeply focused on the strategy.