ot “record”
yakka record, koʻplik records yoki sanalmaydigan
- yozuv
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
The hospital keeps detailed records of every patient's medical history.
- rekord (sportda yoki boshqa sohalarda eng yuqori natija)
She broke the world record for the fastest marathon by a woman.
- obro‘-e’tibor (ma'lum bir shaxs yoki narsaning o‘tmishdagi xatti-harakatlari haqida ma'lumot)
The student's academic record shows consistent excellence in all subjects.
- qadimiy dalil (arxeologiya, geologiya yoki paleontologiyada)
The fossil records found in the area indicate that dinosaurs once roamed this land millions of years ago.
- musiqa yozuvi (vinil, CD yoki onlayn formatlarda)
The band's latest record features a mix of jazz and electronic music.
- vinil disk (fonografda ovoz chiqaruvchi)
She found an old Beatles record in her attic and decided to play it on her vintage turntable.
- jinoyat yozuvi (jinoyat tarixi)
Before hiring, the company checks whether an applicant has a record.
sifat “record”
asosiy shakl record, darajalanmaydigan
- rekord o‘rnatuvchi (yangi eng yuqori standartni belgilovchi)
She achieved a record number of sales this month, surpassing all past employees.
feʼl “record”
infinitive record; u records; oʻtgan zamon recorded; oʻtgan zamon part. recorded; ger. recording
- yozib olish (ma'lumotni yozma yoki elektron shaklda qayd etish)
She recorded her grandmother's stories to preserve the family history.
- yozib olmoq (audio yoki video qayd yaratish)
She recorded her first podcast episode in her bedroom.
- ro‘yxatdan o‘tkazmoq (rasmiy hujjatlarda qayd etish orqali qonuniy tan olish)
After the marriage certificate was recorded at the courthouse, their union became legally recognized.
- ko‘rsatmoq (o‘lchov asbobi tomonidan aniqlangan o‘lcham yoki miqdorni qayd etish)
The barometer recorded a pressure drop, indicating an approaching storm.