record (EN)

名詞 “record”

sg. record, pl. records or uncountable
  1. 記録
    The hospital keeps detailed records of every patient's medical history.
  2. 記録(スポーツなどでの最高記録や最も極端な値)
    She broke the world record for the fastest marathon by a woman.
  3. 記録(評判や過去の行動を示す事実)
    The student's academic record shows consistent excellence in all subjects.
  4. 記録(考古学、地質学、古生物学での物理的証拠)
    The fossil records found in the area indicate that dinosaurs once roamed this land millions of years ago.
  5. 音楽(様々なフォーマットでリリースされる)
    The band's latest record features a mix of jazz and electronic music.
  6. レコード
    She found an old Beatles record in her attic and decided to play it on her vintage turntable.
  7. 前科
    Before hiring, the company checks whether an applicant has a record.

形容詞 “record”

record, non-gradable
  1. 記録的な
    She achieved a record number of sales this month, surpassing all past employees.

動詞 “record”

record; he records; past recorded, part. recorded; ger. recording
  1. 記録する(書面や電子的に情報を記録)
    She recorded her grandmother's stories to preserve the family history.
  2. 録音する、録画する
    She recorded her first podcast episode in her bedroom.
  3. 登録する(公的記録に法的に認識させるため)
    After the marriage certificate was recorded at the courthouse, their union became legally recognized.
  4. 記録する(計測器が検出した測定値や量を示す)
    The barometer recorded a pressure drop, indicating an approaching storm.