ˈrɛkɚd US ˈrɛkɔːd UK

record (EN)
at sözi, sypat söz, fiil

at sözi “record”

ýeketäk record, köplük records ýa-da sanalmaýan
  1. ýazgy
    The hospital keeps detailed records of every patient's medical history.
  2. rekord
    She broke the world record for the fastest marathon by a woman.
  3. abraý (meselem, howpsuzlyk rekordy diýilende)
    The student's academic record shows consistent excellence in all subjects.
  4. geçmişden galan fiziki subutnamalar (arheologiýada, geologiýada ýa-da paleontologiýada)
    The fossil records found in the area indicate that dinosaurs once roamed this land millions of years ago.
  5. çap edilen aýdym-saz (winil, CD ýa-da onlaýn görnüşinde)
    The band's latest record features a mix of jazz and electronic music.
  6. winil disk (fonografda ses çalýan)
    She found an old Beatles record in her attic and decided to play it on her vintage turntable.
  7. jenaýat ýazgysy (gysgaça aýdylanda)
    Before hiring, the company checks whether an applicant has a record.

sypat söz “record”

esas görnüşi record, derejelendirilip bilinmeýän
  1. rekord goýýan (täze ýokary derejäni kesgitleýän ýa-da döredýän sypatda)
    She achieved a record number of sales this month, surpassing all past employees.

fiil “record”

infinitive record; ol records; geçmiş wagty recorded; geçmiş part. recorded; ger. recording
  1. maglumaty ýazmak
    She recorded her grandmother's stories to preserve the family history.
  2. ses ýa-da wideo ýazgy döretmek
    She recorded her first podcast episode in her bedroom.
  3. resmi taýdan ýazga almak (kanuny ykrar etmek üçin)
    After the marriage certificate was recorded at the courthouse, their union became legally recognized.
  4. gural tarapyndan anyklanan ölçegi ýa-da mukdary görkezmek
    The barometer recorded a pressure drop, indicating an approaching storm.