about (EN)
oldinlov, ravish, sifat

oldinlov “about”

  1. haqida
    She wrote a passionate essay about the importance of environmental conservation.
  2. atrofida
    Children ran about the maypole, their laughter filling the air.
  3. bo'ylab (bir hududda turli joylarda tarqalgan ma'noda)
    Toys were scattered about the room, making it hard to walk without stepping on one.

ravish “about”

  1. taxminan
    I sold it for about the same price I originally bought it for.
  2. atrofida (hama tomonlarda ma'noda)
    Curious kittens scampered about, exploring every nook and cranny.
  3. atrofida (turli joylarda ma'noda)
    As the result of the child's play, toys were scattered about.
  4. aylanib (bir joydan boshqa joyga takroran harakatlanish ma'noda)
    The children were running about in the garden, laughing and playing tag.
  5. bekor yurib (maqsadsiz yoki tasodifiy faoliyatlar bilan band ma'noda)
    The kids were running about in the garden with no particular game in mind.
  6. qarshi tomonga qarab (boshqa nuqtai nazardan ko'rib chiqish ma'noda)
    Hearing the noise, the soldier quickly turned about to face the unexpected sound.

sifat “about”

about, non-gradable
  1. faol (uy yoki karavotga bog'liq bo'lmagan ma'noda)
    After a week in bed with the flu, Jenny was finally up and about again, visiting friends and running errands.
  2. mavjud (hozirgi vaqt yoki sezilarli ma'noda)
    Rumors concerning the hidden treasure have been about for centuries, yet no one has found it.
  3. yaqinida (atrof-muhitda ehtimol bo'lishi mumkin ma'noda)
    The cat is usually about at this time of day, napping in the sunny spots.
  4. boshlanish arafasida (tez orada sodir bo'lishi yoki biror ishni bajarishga tayyor bo'lish ma'noda)
    She's about to start her piano lesson.