алдын ала мүчөлөр “about”
- жөнүндө
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
She wrote a passionate essay about the importance of environmental conservation.
- тегерегинде
Children ran about the maypole, their laughter filling the air.
- аймакта (бир нече жерлерде)
Toys were scattered about the room, making it hard to walk without stepping on one.
наречие “about”
- чамалап
I sold it for about the same price I originally bought it for.
- тегерегинде (бардык жактарында)
Curious kittens scampered about, exploring every nook and cranny.
- ар кайсы жерлерде
As the result of the child's play, toys were scattered about.
- жүрүп-туруп (бир жерден экинчи жерге кайра-кайра)
The children were running about in the garden, laughing and playing tag.
- бекер жүрүү (маңдай-тескей иштер менен алек)
The kids were running about in the garden with no particular game in mind.
- бурулуп (башка багытка же перспективадан кароо)
Hearing the noise, the soldier quickly turned about to face the unexpected sound.
сын атооч “about”
негизги форма about, даражаланбайт
- активдүү (үйдө же керебетте эмес)
After a week in bed with the flu, Jenny was finally up and about again, visiting friends and running errands.
- байкалууда (азыркы учурда бар)
Rumors concerning the hidden treasure have been about for centuries, yet no one has found it.
- жакында (айланада болушу мүмкүн)
The cat is usually about at this time of day, napping in the sunny spots.
- болоор алдында (азыр эле баштоого даяр)
She's about to start her piano lesson.