
window (EN)

ot “window”

birlik window, koʻplik windows
  1. deraza
    She sat by the window, watching the rain fall outside.
  2. imkoniyat (vaqtinchalik)
    We have a small window to finish the project before the deadline.
  3. oyna (dastur, hujjat yoki xabarni ko'rsatadigan kompyuter ekranining qismi)
    He opened a new window on his computer to check his email.
  4. tushuncha (beruvchi narsa)
    The documentary offers a window into the world of ocean exploration.
  5. vitrina
    The toys in the store's window caught the children's attention.
  6. Oyna (texnik, biror narsa ishlaydigan cheklangan diapazon yoki soha)
    The device only works within a narrow frequency window.
  7. deraza (tibbiyot, odam yuqtirgan vaqtdan boshlab infeksiya testlar orqali aniqlanishi mumkin bo'lgan vaqt oralig'i)
    During the window period, test results may not be accurate.