adjectif “flat”
flat, comp. flatter, sup. flattest
- plat
Inscrivez-vous pour voir les traductions des phrases d'exemple et les définitions monolingues de chaque mot.
We walked across the flat field to reach the lake.
- plat (large et pas haut)
The bakery produces several types of flat bread.
- terne
The play was flat and failed to captivate the audience.
- plat (sans bulles)
The soda tasted flat because it was left open.
- à plat (sans air)
We couldn't drive further because we had a flat tire.
- à plat (déchargée)
My laptop battery is flat, and I need to recharge it.
- Bémol (musique, plus bas en hauteur qu'il ne devrait l'être)
His singing was slightly flat during the performance.
- fixe
The taxi service charges a flat rate, regardless of distance.
- catégorique
She gave me a flat "no" when I asked for a favor.
adverbe “flat”
- à plat
Spread the quilt flat over the bed.
- complètement
He refused flat to help me with the project.
- pile
She ran the race in three minutes flat.
- bémol (en musique, à une hauteur plus basse que nécessaire)
The violinist played a bit flat.
nom “flat”
- appartement
They bought a new flat overlooking the river.
- plaine
The mud flats are rich feeding grounds for birds.
- le côté plat d'un objet, en particulier d'une lame
He struck the opponent with the flat of his sword.
- une note de musique qui est un demi-ton plus bas qu'une note naturelle
This melody is in A flat major.
- pneu crevé
I had to pull over because of a flat.