
flat (EN)
сын атооч, наречие, аталыш сөз

сын атооч “flat”

flat, салыштырма flatter, эң flattest
  1. тегиз
    We walked across the flat field to reach the lake.
  2. жалпак (кең жана бийик эмес)
    The bakery produces several types of flat bread.
  3. кызыксыз
    The play was flat and failed to captivate the audience.
  4. газсыз
    The soda tasted flat because it was left open.
  5. желсиз
    We couldn't drive further because we had a flat tire.
  6. отурган (батарея)
    My laptop battery is flat, and I need to recharge it.
  7. Фальшивый (музыка, бийиктиги болушу керек болгондон төмөн)
    His singing was slightly flat during the performance.
  8. өзгөрбөс
    The taxi service charges a flat rate, regardless of distance.
  9. толук
    She gave me a flat "no" when I asked for a favor.

наречие “flat”

  1. тегиз
    Spread the quilt flat over the bed.
  2. такыр
    He refused flat to help me with the project.
  3. так
    She ran the race in three minutes flat.
  4. Фальшивый (музыкада, талап кылынганга караганда төмөнкү бийиктикте)
    The violinist played a bit flat.

аталыш сөз “flat”

жекелик flat, көптүк flats
  1. батир
    They bought a new flat overlooking the river.
  2. түздүк
    The mud flats are rich feeding grounds for birds.
  3. нерсенин жалпак тарабы, айрыкча бычактын жалпак тарабы
    He struck the opponent with the flat of his sword.
  4. табигый нотадан бир жарым тон ылдый турган музыкалык нота
    This melody is in A flat major.
  5. желсиз дөңгөлөк
    I had to pull over because of a flat.