verb “qualify”
infinitive qualify; he qualifies; past tense qualified; past part. qualified; ger. qualifying
- to meet the necessary requirements or conditions to be eligible for something
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After years of studying, she finally qualified as doctor.
- to make someone suitable or certified for a job or activity
The course qualifies students to teach English abroad.
- to achieve the required result in a competition to move to the next round
The marathon runner qualified for the Olympics by finishing in the top three.
- (with "as") to have the right qualities to be considered an instance of (a more general thing)
Does this jacket qualify as formal wear?
- to modify or limit (a statement); to make it less absolute
He qualified his remarks by saying that results may vary.
- (of a word) to describe or specify (another word)
In “a large meal”, “large” is an adjective qualifying “meal”.
noun “qualify”
singular qualify, plural qualifies
- (in juggling) an instance of successfully juggling each object at least twice
He achieved his first qualify with seven clubs during practice.