
qualify (EN)

动词 “qualify”

不定式 qualify; 三单 qualifies; 过式 qualified; 过分 qualified; 动名 qualifying
  1. 符合必要的要求或条件以有资格获得某物。
    After years of studying, she finally qualified as doctor.
  2. 使某人适合或具备资格从事某项工作或活动。
    The course qualifies students to teach English abroad.
  3. 晋级
    The marathon runner qualified for the Olympics by finishing in the top three.
  4. 符合条件
    Does this jacket qualify as formal wear?
  5. 修改或限制(一个陈述);使其不那么绝对。
    He qualified his remarks by saying that results may vary.
  6. (用于词语)描述或限定(另一个词语)
    In “a large meal”, “large” is an adjective qualifying “meal”.

名词 “qualify”

qualify,复 qualifies
  1. 成功完成 (在杂耍中)
    He achieved his first qualify with seven clubs during practice.