save (EN)
verb, nom, preposició

verb “save”

save; he saves; past saved, part. saved; ger. saving
  1. protegir
    The firefighter saved the cat from the burning building.
  2. estalviar (esforç o alguna cosa indesitjable)
    By doing the dishes for her, he saved his mother the trouble after a long day at work.
  3. salvar (en el context de la religió cristiana)
    Through faith, believers are saved from their sins.
  4. aturar (en esports, com ara futbol o hoquei)
    The goalkeeper saved the penalty kick, keeping the score tied.
  5. emmagatzemar
    I saved the leftover paint so we can touch up the walls later.
  6. conservar
    You can save water by fixing leaky faucets.
  7. guardar (en informàtica)
    Remember to save your work frequently to avoid losing any changes.
  8. estalviar (diners o béns)
    She saves a portion of her paycheck every month for emergencies.
  9. guardar-se (per al matrimoni o fins trobar una parella adequada)
    He's decided to save himself for someone who shares his values and dreams.

nom “save”

sg. save, pl. saves or uncountable
  1. aturada (en esports)
    With seconds left on the clock, the goalkeeper's quick save kept the score tied.
  2. salvament (en beisbol, referint-se a un llançador de relleu)
    Garcia pitched two perfect innings to notch the save, securing the team's narrow lead.
  3. salvavides (en un context informal, per referir-se a una acció que ajuda algú a sortir d'una situació incòmoda)
    When he tripped on stage but turned it into a dance move, that was a nice save.
  4. guardat (en informàtica, l'acte o resultat de guardar dades)
    Remember to perform a save of your document every few minutes to avoid losing your work.

preposició “save”

  1. excepte
    Everyone went to the beach on Sunday, save Emily, who had to work.