būdvardis “thick”
thick, komp. thicker, superl. thickest
- storas
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
The book was so thick that it barely fit on the shelf.
- storas (turintis tam tikrą storį)
- tankus
The cat had thick fur that kept it warm in the winter.
- tankus (apie augalus ar medžius)
The hikers struggled to find a path through the thick forest.
- tirštas
The soup was so thick that the spoon could almost stand up in it.
- pilnas (kažko)
The park was thick with children playing.
- tirštas (apie tankumą, per kurį sunku matyti)
The house was full of thick smoke, making it hard to see anything.
- stiprus (apie akcentą)
His thick Scottish accent made it hard for me to understand her at first.
- kvailas
She felt like she was talking to a brick wall because he was so thick.
- artimas (su kažkuo, kartais sukeliantis įtarimą)
He's been getting really thick with the new manager, and it's making everyone talk.
- (slangas, apie moterį) turinti pilną, apvalią kūno formą, ypač su dideliais klubais
She felt confident, knowing guys considered her thick.
prieveiksmis “thick”
- tankiai
Fog settled thick over the valley.
- dažnai
Snowflakes fell thick and heavy, covering the ground quickly.
daiktavardis “thick”
vienaskaita thick, nesuskaičiuojamas
- įkarštis
She found herself in the thick of the debate, with everyone talking at once.