Nafnorð “challenge”
eintala challenge, fleirtala challenges eða óteljanlegt
- áskorun
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
For many puzzle enthusiasts, solving a Rubik's Cube is a challenge they gladly embrace.
- áskorun (í merkingu uppreisnar eða andstöðu)
What the duke did was a challenge to the king's authority.
- einvígi (formleg áskorun)
He received a challenge from his rival, demanding satisfaction for the insult in the form of a duel.
- áskorun (í íþróttum, til dæmis að ná boltanum)
The defender's strong challenge prevented the striker from scoring a goal.
- tilraun til að takmarka eða fjarlægja bók úr bókasafni eða skóla
Parents issued a challenge against the inclusion of the controversial book in the school's reading program.
- kæra (í lögfræðilegum skilningi)
The defense lawyer filed a challenge to the court's ruling, claiming it was unjust.
sögn “challenge”
nafnháttur challenge; hann challenges; þátíð challenged; lh. þt. challenged; nhm. challenging
- skora á (í merkingu keppni)
We challenged the boys next door to a game of football to see who really owned the field.
- að hvetja einhvern til að gera eitthvað
"I challenge you to prove your claim," said the skeptic, doubting the magician's abilities.
- mótmæla (í merkingu að andmæla sannleika eða gildi)
The scientist decided to challenge the accuracy of the data presented in the recent study.
- reyna á
The topic has clearly challenged many commentators, who struggled to explain the complex issue.
- andmæla (í lögfræðilegum skilningi, gegn dómnefndarmanni)
The attorney decided to challenge a juror who appeared to be biased during the selection process.
- í herþjónustu, að biðja um lykilorð eða auðkenni frá einhverjum
The sentinel challenged us with "Who goes there?" as we approached the military checkpoint in the dark.