bræntʃ US brɑːntʃ UK

branch (EN)
substantiivi, verbi

substantiivi “branch”

yksikkö branch, monikko branches
  1. oksa
    The bird built its nest on a high branch.
  2. haara
    She deposited the money at the branch nearest her home.
  3. osa jostakin, joka jakautuu pääosasta
    The road splits into two branches after the bridge.
  4. ala
    Psychology is a branch of science that explores the human mind.
  5. haara (suku)
    They belong to the Canadian branch of the family.
  6. (Atk) erillinen versio ohjelmistoprojektista versionhallinnassa.
    The developers created a new branch to test the features.
  7. puro
    They went fishing in the branch behind their farmhouse.

verbi “branch”

infinitiivi branch; hän branches; imperfekti branched; part. perf. branched; ger. branching
  1. haarautua
    The river branches into multiple streams in the valley.
  2. tuottaa oksia (kasvista tai puusta)
    The old oak tree has begun to branch again in spring.
  3. (siirtyä tietojenkäsittelyssä) ohjelman eri osaan perustuen ehtoon
    The program branches to a new function when the user clicks the button.