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leak (EN)
глагол, именка

глагол “leak”

инфинитив leak; тој leaks; мин. вр. leaked; мин. прид. leaked; гер. leaking
  1. истекува
    Gas was leaking from the pipe, so we evacuated the area.
  2. пропушта
    The damaged container leaks chemicals into the soil.
  3. протекува (информации)
    News of the deal leaked before the official announcement.
  4. открива (информации)
    An insider leaked the documents to the press.

именка “leak”

еднина leak, множина leaks или неконт.
  1. протекување
    The leak in the boat let water in faster than we could bail it out.
  2. протекување (на информации)
    The leak of the report caused a scandal in the government.
  3. доушник
    The company suspected that the leak was among the senior staff.
  4. истекување (на струја)
    The electrician checked for any leaks in the wiring.
  5. мокрење
    He went behind a tree to take a leak during the hike.
  6. (компјутерство) постепено губење на ресурси поради неослободување на истите
    The developer fixed the memory leak in the application.