be (EN)
pitulung kriya, cêkapan

pitulung kriya “be”

be; I am'm; you are're; he is's; past were / was; part. been; gerund being
negative: he isn't, past wasn't; you aren't, past weren't
  1. digunakake karo partisipasi pasif saka cangkriman kanggo mbentuk swara pasif
    The cake was eaten by the children. Another one will be baked by their mom tomorrow.
  2. digunakake karo partisipal saiki saka cangkriman kanggo mbentuk aspek kontinu
    She is running a marathon this weekend. She was preparing for it yesterday.
  3. cara resmi kanggo ngungkapake kewajiban utawa niat
    You are to complete your homework before playing video games.

cêkapan “be”

be; I am'm; you are're; he is's; past were / was; part. been; gerund being
negative: he isn't, past wasn't; you aren't, past weren't
  1. dadi (nyambungake subyek karo tembung aran)
    She is a doctor. The animal is a cat.
  2. dadi (menghubungake subjek karo sifat utawa kaanan)
    The cat is fluffy. This was quite strange. Helping others is as important as taking care of yourself.
  3. ana utawa ana wujud
    There is a chance of rain this afternoon.
  4. umuré
    My sister is 15 years old.
  5. jam (kanggé nuduhaké wektu saiki)
    It is 10:30 in the morning.
  6. wis (kanggé nuduhaké wektu wiwit kajadian)
    It has been five minutes since the last call.
  7. dadi (digunakake kanggo njlèntrèhaké kaanan cuaca)
    It is very windy today.
  8. ana
    The keys are in the drawer.
  9. jam pira (pitakonan bab wektu kajadian)
    When will the concert be?