clear (EN)

形容詞 “clear”

clear, clearer, clearest
  1. 透明な
    The glass was so clear that I could see straight through to the other side.
  2. 輝いている
    After cleaning, the room was filled with clear, bright light.
  3. 塞がれていない(物で満たされていないことを指す)
    The intersection is clear; you can go.
  4. 雲一つない
    We had a clear sky for stargazing last night.
  5. 理解しやすい
    The teacher's explanation was clear and easy to understand.
  6. やましいところがない(良心の)
    After returning the lost wallet, she felt a sense of clear conscience.
  7. 明晰な(頭について)
    Even in stressful situations, she always managed to keep a clear head and make the right decisions.
  8. 聞き取りやすい
    His voice rang out clear and strong in the silent night.
  9. 傷や汚れがない
    She admired her clear skin in the mirror, free from any blemishes.
  10. 離れて(物理的な距離や関係の離れを指す)
    Keep the area clear of any obstacles during the fire drill.

副詞 “clear”

  1. 離れて(場所や物からの距離を指す)
    Keep clear of the closing doors, please.
  2. 完全に(全距離を指す)
    He jumped clear over the fence without touching it.

動詞 “clear”

clear; he clears; past cleared, part. cleared; ger. clearing
  1. 道を開ける
    The crew worked to clear the debris from the construction site.
  2. 障害がなくなる
    After the streets cleared, it was finally safe to cross.
  3. 片付ける
    Before dinner, I had to clear the toys from the table.
  4. すばやく立ち去る
    As soon as the bell rang, the students cleared out of the classroom.
  5. 明らかにする(問題を解決することを指す)
    The explanation helped to clear any confusion about the new policy.
  6. 無罪を証明する
    After the new evidence was presented, the suspect was cleared of all charges.
  7. わずかな隙間を残して通過する
    The airplane managed to clear the mountains with inches to spare.
  8. 一定の高さや距離を越える
    The athlete managed to clear the bar at a height of six feet.
  9. ゲームやレベルをクリアする
    After many attempts, I finally cleared the difficult level in the game.
  10. 承認される(支払いが成功することを指す)
    I wrote a check, but it won't clear until Monday.
  11. 利益を得る(コストを差し引いた後の金額を指す)
    After expenses, the company was able to clear a substantial profit.
  12. 許可を出す
    The pilot waited for the control tower to clear the flight for takeoff.
  13. 進行許可を得る
    The ship cleared for its voyage early in the morning.
  14. 使用許可を得る(他人の音楽を使用することを指す)
    The producer had to clear the sample before releasing the new track.
  15. ボールやパックを自陣のゴールエリアから遠ざける
    The defender skillfully cleared the ball away from the goal.
  16. コンピュータのメモリを空にする(値をリセットすることを指す)
    To fix the error, I had to clear the entire database.

名詞 “clear”

sg. clear, pl. clears or uncountable
  1. 隙間(物体間の開いた空間を指す)
    The doorway offered a clear of seven feet, enough for the tall visitors to pass through.
  2. ゲームやレベルのクリア
    After many hours of play, I finally got a clear on the hardest game mode.