
certificate (EN)
imenica, glagol

imenica “certificate”

jednina certificate, množina certificates
  1. certifikat (zvanični dokument koji pokazuje da ste završili kurs ili položili ispit)
    She received a certificate in accounting after finishing the program.
  2. certifikat (službeni dokument koji dokazuje da je nešto istinito ili tačno)
    You'll need to bring your marriage certificate to change your name on the passport.
  3. certifikat (dokument koji pokazuje vlasništvo nad nečim, kao što su dionice ili obveznice)
    He keeps his stock certificates in a safe place.
  4. certifikat (informatika, digitalni dokument koji potvrđuje identitet web stranice ili korisnika)
    The browser warned that the site's security certificate was invalid.
  5. certifikat (ocjena za film koja označava odgovarajuću starosnu grupu)
    The film has a certificate 12, so children under 12 can't see it alone.

glagol “certificate”

infinitiv certificate; on certificates; prošlo vrijeme certificated; prošli part. certificated; ger. certificating
  1. certificirati
    The organization certificated over 200 new nurses last year.