
certificate (EN)
kata benda, cêkapan

kata benda “certificate”

tunggal certificate, jamak certificates
  1. sertifikat (dokumen resmi sing nuduhake yen sampeyan wis ngrampungake kursus utawa lulus ujian)
    She received a certificate in accounting after finishing the program.
  2. Sertifikat (dokumen resmi sing mbuktekake yen soko iku bener utawa bener)
    You'll need to bring your marriage certificate to change your name on the passport.
  3. sertifikat (dokumen sing nuduhake kepemilikan soko, kayata saham utawa obligasi)
    He keeps his stock certificates in a safe place.
  4. sertifikat (komputer, dokumen digital sing verifikasi identitas saka situs web utawa pangguna)
    The browser warned that the site's security certificate was invalid.
  5. sertifikat (penilaian kanggo film, nuduhake kelompok umur sing cocog)
    The film has a certificate 12, so children under 12 can't see it alone.

cêkapan “certificate”

infinitif certificate; dhèwèké certificates; lampau certificated; part. lampau certificated; ger. certificating
  1. nyertifikatake
    The organization certificated over 200 new nurses last year.