only (EN)
sypat söz, ravesh söz, baglaç

sypat söz “only”

only, non-gradable
  1. ýeke-täk
    She was the only person in the theater.
  2. doganlary ýok (eger gerek bolsa: eger erkek ýa-da aýal doganlary ýok bolsa)
    After three daughters, they finally had an only son.

ravesh söz “only”

  1. diňe
    It's mine, and mine only.
  2. diňe (eger gerek bolsa: ýönekeýje ýa-da bary-ýogy)
    The puppy only chewed on his toy, not the furniture.
  3. entek (eger gerek bolsa: golaýda, ýakyn wagtda)
    I only started reading the book yesterday.
  4. emma (eger gerek bolsa: garşylyk bildirýän ýagdaýda)
    He studied all night for the exam, only to oversleep and miss it.

baglaç “only”

  1. eger (eger gerek bolsa: şert ýa-da istisna bildirýän halatynda)
    I'd love to join you for dinner, only I already have plans.