only (EN)
byvoeglike naamwoord, bywoord, voegwoord

byvoeglike naamwoord “only”

only, non-gradable
  1. enigste
    She was the only person in the theater.
  2. enigste (kind of enigste seun/dogter, afhangende van die konteks)
    After three daughters, they finally had an only son.

bywoord “only”

  1. slegs
    It's mine, and mine only.
  2. net
    The puppy only chewed on his toy, not the furniture.
  3. pas
    I only started reading the book yesterday.
  4. tog
    He studied all night for the exam, only to oversleep and miss it.

voegwoord “only”

  1. mits
    I'd love to join you for dinner, only I already have plans.