project (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “project”

sg. project, pl. projects
  1. proiect
    The science fair was an exciting project that involved building a miniature volcano.
  2. cartier marginal (sau blocuri pentru persoane cu venituri mici)
    She grew up in the projects on the south side of the city.

verb “project”

project; he projects; past projected, part. projected; ger. projecting
  1. a ieși în relief
    The rocky outcrop projects into the sea, creating a natural harbor.
  2. a proiecta (o imagine sau o umbră)
    The children used a flashlight to project shapes onto the tent walls during their camping trip.
  3. a împinge în afară
    The cat projected its claws when it felt threatened.
  4. a prevedea (sau a prognoza)
    The team is projecting a 20% increase in sales for the next quarter.
  5. a crea o impresie (sau a lăsa o impresie)
    At the interview, he projected confidence and professionalism.
  6. a proiecta (atribuirea sentimentelor proprii altora)
    It's not fair to project your feelings of insecurity onto your friends.
  7. a-și face auzită vocea (sau a vorbi cu voce tare)
    The actor was taught to project his voice to the back of the theater without shouting.
  8. a reproiecta (date spațiale folosind o altă proiecție cartografică)
    The GIS specialist projected the map data from a Mercator projection to a UTM projection for better area representation.
  9. a proiecta (o figură nouă prin trasarea de linii)
    In the geometry class, we learned how to project a figure from a point onto a plane.
  10. a avea fibre nervoase care ajung și influențează părți îndepărtate ale corpului
    The neurons in the brain project to various regions, influencing different functions.