
project (EN)
at sözi, fiil

at sözi “project”

ýekelik project, köplük projects
  1. proýekt
    The science fair was an exciting project that involved building a miniature volcano.
  2. jaý toplumy (ABŞ-da ýaşaýyş jaýlary hökmünde)
    She grew up in the projects on the south side of the city.

fiil “project”

infinitive project; ol projects; geçmiş wagty projected; geçmiş part. projected; ger. projecting
  1. çykmak (bir zatdan daşary çykmak hökmünde)
    The rocky outcrop projects into the sea, creating a natural harbor.
  2. görkezmek (şöhle ýa-da şekili bir ýüzä geçirmek hökmünde)
    The children used a flashlight to project shapes onto the tent walls during their camping trip.
  3. iteklemek (bir zady daşary iteklemek hökmünde)
    The cat projected its claws when it felt threatened.
  4. çaklamak (geljekki wakalary ýa-da netijeleri çaklamak hökmünde)
    The team is projecting a 20% increase in sales for the next quarter.
  5. täsir galdyrmak (özüň barada başgalara belli bir täsir galdyrmak hökmünde)
    At the interview, he projected confidence and professionalism.
  6. öz duýgularyny ýa-da pikirlerini başga birine geçirmek
    It's not fair to project your feelings of insecurity onto your friends.
  7. sesi uzaklara ýetirmek
    The actor was taught to project his voice to the back of the theater without shouting.
  8. kartografiýa (geografiki maglumatlary başga kartografik proýeksiýa ulanyp üýtgetmek hökmünde)
    The GIS specialist projected the map data from a Mercator projection to a UTM projection for better area representation.
  9. proýeksiýa çyzmak (bir nokatdan başga bir şekiliň ähli nokatlaryndan geçýän çyzyklary çekip, ýüzä täze şekil döretmek hökmünde)
    In the geometry class, we learned how to project a figure from a point onto a plane.
  10. nerw süýümleriniň uzak agzalara ýetmegi we täsir etmegi
    The neurons in the brain project to various regions, influencing different functions.