help (EN)
verb, substantiv, interjecție

verb “help”

help; he helps; past helped, part. helped; ger. helping
  1. a ajuta
    He helped his grandfather cook breakfast.
  2. a servi (în contextul servirii mâncării sau băuturilor)
    It is polite to help your guests to food before serving yourself.
  3. a contribui
    The white paint on the walls helps make the room look brighter.
  4. a se abține (de la ceva, folosit de obicei în propoziții negative)
    We couldn’t help noticing that you were late.

substantiv “help”

sg. help, pl. helps or uncountable
  1. ajutor
    I need some help with my homework.
  2. ajutor (în contextul unei entități care sprijină)
    He was a great help to me when I was moving house.
  3. ajutor (în contextul unui software, de exemplu "meniu de ajutor")
    I can't find anything in the help about rotating an image.
  4. materiale didactice
    I've printed out a list of math helps.
  5. personal de serviciu
    The help is coming round this morning to clean.

interjecție “help”

  1. ajutor!
    — Take that, you scoundrel.— Help! Robin, help!