help (EN)
فعل، اسم، افعال ندائی

فعل “help”

help; he helps; past helped, part. helped; ger. helping
  1. کمک کردن
    He helped his grandfather cook breakfast.
  2. پذیرایی کردن (در زمینه غذا یا نوشیدنی)
    It is polite to help your guests to food before serving yourself.
  3. بهبود بخشیدن
    The white paint on the walls helps make the room look brighter.
  4. خودداری کردن (در جملات منفی با "نمی‌توان")
    We couldn’t help noticing that you were late.

اسم “help”

sg. help, pl. helps or uncountable
  1. کمک
    I need some help with my homework.
  2. یاور (در انجام وظیفه)
    He was a great help to me when I was moving house.
  3. راهنمایی (در نرم‌افزار)
    I can't find anything in the help about rotating an image.
  4. منابع آموزشی
    I've printed out a list of math helps.
  5. خدمتکار (برای وظایف خانگی یا کارگری)
    The help is coming round this morning to clean.

افعال ندائی “help”

  1. کمک! (فریاد برای درخواست کمک فوری)
    — Take that, you scoundrel.— Help! Robin, help!