cêkapan “help”
infinitif help; dhèwèké helps; lampau helped; part. lampau helped; ger. helping
- mbantu
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
He helped his grandfather cook breakfast.
- mbantu (ngambilake panganan utawa omben-omben)
It is polite to help your guests to food before serving yourself.
- mbantu (ningkatake utawa nyumbang marang)
The white paint on the walls helps make the room look brighter.
- ora bisa (nolak utawa ngindhari)
We couldn’t help noticing that you were late.
kata benda “help”
tunggal help, jamak helps utawa ora bisa diitung
- pitulungan
I need some help with my homework.
- pambiyantu
He was a great help to me when I was moving house.
- pitulungan (ing piranti lunak)
I can't find anything in the help about rotating an image.
- bahan pitulungan (akademik)
I've printed out a list of math helps.
- pembantu
The help is coming round this morning to clean.
pambiji “help”
- tulung!
— Take that, you scoundrel.— Help! Robin, help!