appear (EN)

verb “appear”

appear; he appears; past appeared, part. appeared; ger. appearing
  1. a deveni vizibil sau cunoscut
    As the fog lifted, the outline of a grand castle appeared on the horizon.
  2. a părea
    Despite the clear skies in the morning, it appears that it will rain later in the day.
  3. a fi lansat public sau prezentat în mass-media
    The interview with the famous actress appeared on the news channel last night.
  4. a fi menționat într-un text
    His name appears on the last page of the book.
  5. a juca (într-un film, program TV etc.)
    She appeared as a guest star on the latest episode of the hit TV series.
  6. a se prezenta (într-un loc, mai ales unde alții te așteaptă)
    We waited until midnight, but the guest of honor never appeared.
  7. a se prezenta în mod formal în fața unei autorități sau instanțe de judecată
    The defendant appeared before the judge to respond to the allegations of fraud.