veiksmažodis “appear”
bendratis appear; jis appears; būt. laik. appeared; būd. dal. appeared; dalyv. appearing
- pasirodyti
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
As the fog lifted, the outline of a grand castle appeared on the horizon.
- atrodyti
Despite the clear skies in the morning, it appears that it will rain later in the day.
- pasirodyti (viešai, medijose)
The interview with the famous actress appeared on the news channel last night.
- būti paminėtam (tekste)
His name appears on the last page of the book.
- vaidinti (filme, televizijos laidoje ir pan.)
She appeared as a guest star on the latest episode of the hit TV series.
- atvykti (ypač kai tave laukia kiti)
We waited until midnight, but the guest of honor never appeared.
- pasirodyti (teisme ar prieš instituciją)
The defendant appeared before the judge to respond to the allegations of fraud.