appear (EN)

fiil “appear”

appear; he appears; past appeared, part. appeared; ger. appearing
  1. görünmek
    As the fog lifted, the outline of a grand castle appeared on the horizon.
  2. ýaly bolmak (bir zat hakykatda şeýle däl-de, şol ýaly görünende)
    Despite the clear skies in the morning, it appears that it will rain later in the day.
  3. köpçülige ýaýramak (film, kitap ýa-da başga bir medeni önüm ilkinji gezek köpçülige hödürlenende)
    The interview with the famous actress appeared on the news channel last night.
  4. agzalmak (bir tekstde bir zadyň adynyň geçmegi)
    His name appears on the last page of the book.
  5. rol oýnamak (filmde, telewideniýe programmasynyň içinde we ş.m.)
    She appeared as a guest star on the latest episode of the hit TV series.
  6. gelmek (adamlar siziň gelmegiňizi garaşýan bir ýere barmak)
    We waited until midnight, but the guest of honor never appeared.
  7. özüňi resmi ýagdaýda görkezmek (bir häkimiýet ýa-da sudyň öňünde)
    The defendant appeared before the judge to respond to the allegations of fraud.