ˈvɛntʃɚ US ˈvɛntʃə UK

venture (EN)
darbības vārds, lietvārds

darbības vārds “venture”

infinitīvs venture; viņš ventures; pag. ventured; pag. divd. ventured; ģer. venturing
  1. uzņemties riskantu ceļojumu
    She ventured into the dark forest despite the warnings of danger.
  2. riskēt ar kaut ko vērtīgu, cerot uz ieguvumu
    She ventured her entire savings on the new business, hoping it would pay off.
  3. nosūtīt kaut ko uz kādu vietu (īpaši pa jūru), apzinoties zaudējuma vai bojājuma risku
    She ventured her savings in the new coffee shop, hoping it would become a success.
  4. izteikt ideju vai viedokli, riskējot ar kritiku
    Timidly, he ventured his guess at the answer to the riddle.

lietvārds “venture”

viensk. venture, daudzsk. ventures
  1. riskants uzņēmums (uzņēmējdarbības kontekstā)
    She embarked on a solo venture across the Atlantic, aware of the perilous journey ahead.