Verb “venture”
Infinitiv venture; er ventures; Prät. ventured; Part. ventured; Ger. venturing
- sich wagen
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She ventured into the dark forest despite the warnings of danger.
- riskieren
She ventured her entire savings on the new business, hoping it would pay off.
- verschicken (mit dem Bewusstsein des Risikos)
She ventured her savings in the new coffee shop, hoping it would become a success.
- sich äußern (mit Zögern oder Risiko)
Timidly, he ventured his guess at the answer to the riddle.
Substantiv “venture”
Sg. venture, Pl. ventures
- Unternehmung (mit Risiko)
She embarked on a solo venture across the Atlantic, aware of the perilous journey ahead.