glagol “venture”
nedoločnik venture; on ventures; preteklik ventured; deležnik preteklik ventured; gerundij venturing
- podati se na tvegano potovanje
Prijavite se za ogled prevodov primerov stavkov in enojezičnih definicij vsake besede.
She ventured into the dark forest despite the warnings of danger.
- tvegati nekaj dragocenega v upanju na dobiček
She ventured her entire savings on the new business, hoping it would pay off.
- poslati nekaj nekam, zlasti po morju, ob zavedanju možnosti izgube ali poškodbe
She ventured her savings in the new coffee shop, hoping it would become a success.
- izraziti idejo ali mnenje z nekaj oklevanja ali tveganja kritike
Timidly, he ventured his guess at the answer to the riddle.
samostalnik “venture”
ednina venture, množina ventures
- tvegan podvig
She embarked on a solo venture across the Atlantic, aware of the perilous journey ahead.