reach (EN)
ige, főnév

ige “reach”

reach; he reaches; past reached, part. reached; ger. reaching
  1. elér
    She had to reach across the table to grab the salt shaker.
  2. elérhet (képes valamit elérni)
    The top shelf is too high; even on my tiptoes, I cannot reach the books.
  3. eljuttat (hangot, hatást)
    The charity's efforts reached into the remote villages, providing much-needed medical supplies.
  4. megérkezik
    After a long journey, we reached Paris just before dawn.
  5. kapcsolatba lép
    Despite numerous calls and messages, I couldn't reach my friend to share the news.
  6. megérint (érzelmi szinten)
    The teacher's heartfelt speech managed to reach the students, who then volunteered for the community project.
  7. megér (bizonyos életkort)
    My grandmother proudly reached 100 years old last month.

főnév “reach”

sg. reach, pl. reaches or uncountable
  1. nyúlás (testrész vagy tárgy maximális nyújtásának távolsága)
    The tool's reach wasn't long enough to retrieve the ball from under the couch.
  2. hatókör
    The company's marketing campaign expanded its reach to millions of new customers.
  3. szakasz (folyó esetében)
    We enjoyed a leisurely boat ride along the quiet middle reaches of the river.
  4. peremvidék
    The research team ventured into the outer reaches of the rainforest to study the rare species living there.
  5. szintek (szervezeten vagy rendszeren belül)
    She aspired to climb to the higher reaches of the corporate ladder within the next five years.