noun “contract”
singular contract, plural contracts
- a legally binding agreement between two or more people or organizations
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She signed a contract with the publisher for her new book.
- (informal) an arrangement for someone to be killed, often in return for payment
The mafia boss ordered a contract on the informant.
- (in bridge) the number of tricks a player commits to win in the game
Their team made a four hearts contract in the finals.
verb “contract”
infinitive contract; he contracts; past tense contracted; past part. contracted; ger. contracting
- to become smaller or shorter
The metal contracts as it cools down.
- to make something smaller or shorter
You have to contract your abdominal muscles to perform the exercise correctly.
- to catch or develop (an illness or disease)
He contracted chickenpox from his sister.
- to agree to do something by legal contract
The company contracted to build the new bridge within a year.
- to make someone work for you via a contract
The IT department contracted several developers in India.
- to shorten (a word or phrase) by leaving out letters
In informal speech, "do not" is often contracted to "don't".