
contract (EN)
명사, 동사

명사 “contract”

단수 contract, 복수 contracts
  1. 계약
    She signed a contract with the publisher for her new book.
  2. 청부 살인
    The mafia boss ordered a contract on the informant.
  3. (브리지에서) 플레이어가 게임에서 이기기로 약속한 트릭의 수
    Their team made a four hearts contract in the finals.

동사 “contract”

부정사 contract; 3인칭 단수 contracts; 과거형 contracted; 과거분사 contracted; 동명사 contracting
  1. 작아지거나 짧아지다.
    The metal contracts as it cools down.
  2. 무엇인가를 더 작거나 짧게 만들다.
    You have to contract your abdominal muscles to perform the exercise correctly.
  3. 걸리다 (병에 걸리다)
    He contracted chickenpox from his sister.
  4. 계약하다
    The company contracted to build the new bridge within a year.
  5. 계약하다 (고용하다)
    The IT department contracted several developers in India.
  6. 단어 또는 구를 줄이기 위해 글자를 생략하다.
    In informal speech, "do not" is often contracted to "don't".