
contract (EN)
sostantivo, verbo

sostantivo “contract”

sing. contract, pl. contracts
  1. contratto
    She signed a contract with the publisher for her new book.
  2. contratto (per un omicidio)
    The mafia boss ordered a contract on the informant.
  3. (in bridge) il numero di prese che un giocatore si impegna a vincere nel gioco
    Their team made a four hearts contract in the finals.

verbo “contract”

infinito contract; lui contracts; pass. contracted; p.p. contracted; ger. contracting
  1. diventare più piccolo o più corto
    The metal contracts as it cools down.
  2. ridurre qualcosa in dimensioni o lunghezza
    You have to contract your abdominal muscles to perform the exercise correctly.
  3. contrarre
    He contracted chickenpox from his sister.
  4. contrattare
    The company contracted to build the new bridge within a year.
  5. assumere (con contratto)
    The IT department contracted several developers in India.
  6. accorciare (una parola o una frase) omettendo lettere
    In informal speech, "do not" is often contracted to "don't".