noun “contract”
Singular contract, Plural contracts
- Kontrakt
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
She signed a contract with the publisher for her new book.
- Kontrakt (fir eng Persoun ëmzebréngen)
The mafia boss ordered a contract on the informant.
- (am Bridge) d'Zuel vun den Tricks, déi e Spiller sech verflicht ze gewannen am Spill
Their team made a four hearts contract in the finals.
verb “contract”
Infinitiv contract; hien contracts; Verg. contracted; Part. Verg. contracted; Ger. contracting
- kleng ginn oder méi kuerz ginn
The metal contracts as it cools down.
- eppes méi kleng oder méi kuerz maachen
You have to contract your abdominal muscles to perform the exercise correctly.
- sech ustiechen
He contracted chickenpox from his sister.
- e Kontrakt ofschléissen
The company contracted to build the new bridge within a year.
- astellen (mat engem Kontrakt)
The IT department contracted several developers in India.
- e Wuert oder Ausdrock verkierzen andeems Buschtawen ewechgelooss ginn
In informal speech, "do not" is often contracted to "don't".