
contract (EN)
noun, verb

noun “contract”

Singular contract, Plural contracts
  1. Kontrakt
    She signed a contract with the publisher for her new book.
  2. Kontrakt (fir eng Persoun ëmzebréngen)
    The mafia boss ordered a contract on the informant.
  3. (am Bridge) d'Zuel vun den Tricks, déi e Spiller sech verflicht ze gewannen am Spill
    Their team made a four hearts contract in the finals.

verb “contract”

Infinitiv contract; hien contracts; Verg. contracted; Part. Verg. contracted; Ger. contracting
  1. kleng ginn oder méi kuerz ginn
    The metal contracts as it cools down.
  2. eppes méi kleng oder méi kuerz maachen
    You have to contract your abdominal muscles to perform the exercise correctly.
  3. sech ustiechen
    He contracted chickenpox from his sister.
  4. e Kontrakt ofschléissen
    The company contracted to build the new bridge within a year.
  5. astellen (mat engem Kontrakt)
    The IT department contracted several developers in India.
  6. e Wuert oder Ausdrock verkierzen andeems Buschtawen ewechgelooss ginn
    In informal speech, "do not" is often contracted to "don't".