verb “represent”
Infinitiv represent; hien represents; Verg. represented; Part. Verg. represented; Ger. representing
- vertrieden
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
The lawyer will represent the client during the trial.
- symboliséieren
On the map, blue lines represent rivers.
- duerstellen oder duerstellen an der Konscht oder Literatur
The painting represents a scene from the artist's childhood.
- spillen (eng Roll)
She will represent the lead character in the upcoming movie.
- vertrieden (an engem Concours)
He was selected to represent his country at the Olympics.
- virbréngen
They represented their concerns to the police.