동사 “represent”
부정사 represent; 3인칭 단수 represents; 과거형 represented; 과거분사 represented; 동명사 representing
- 대변하다
가입하세요 예문 번역과 단어의 일언어 정의를 보려면.
The lawyer will represent the client during the trial.
- 상징하다
On the map, blue lines represent rivers.
- 예술이나 문학에서 묘사하거나 표현하다.
The painting represents a scene from the artist's childhood.
- 연기하다 (극 중 인물을)
She will represent the lead character in the upcoming movie.
- 대표하다 (팀이나 국가를)
He was selected to represent his country at the Olympics.
- 진술하다 (공식적으로)
They represented their concerns to the police.