
represent (EN)

verb “represent”

infinitiu represent; ell represents; passat represented; part. pass. represented; ger. representing
  1. representar (actuar o parlar en nom d'algú o alguna cosa)
    The lawyer will represent the client during the trial.
  2. simbolitzar
    On the map, blue lines represent rivers.
  3. representar o retratar en l'art o la literatura
    The painting represents a scene from the artist's childhood.
  4. interpretar (un paper en una obra de teatre o pel·lícula)
    She will represent the lead character in the upcoming movie.
  5. representar (ser membre d'un equip o país en una competició)
    He was selected to represent his country at the Olympics.
  6. presentar (fer una declaració formal a una autoritat)
    They represented their concerns to the police.