it (EN)
əvəzlik, isim

Bu söz həmçinin aşağıdakıların forması ola bilər:
IT (qısaltma)

əvəzlik “it”

  1. onun
    Where's the cat? Have you seen it?
  2. onu (körpə və ya uşaq cinsini bilmədikdə və ya önəmli olmadıqda)
    Look at the child laughing; it's so happy!
  3. Telefonda danışan şəxs
    "Hello, who is it?" "It's Sarah, can I speak to Mike?"
  4. onun
    It's raining outside, so we'll have to cancel the picnic.
  5. o xüsusiyyət
    He's 75 and still playing gigs; he's definitely still got it.
  6. onu (cinsi əlaqə haqqında danışarkən)
    The movie implied that they were about to do it but didn't show anything explicit.
  7. hər şey
    I've unpacked everything; that's it.

isim “it”

it, singular only
  1. yaxalayıcı (oyunda başqalarını tutmağa çalışan oyunçu)
    You can't catch me because I'm not it!
  2. yafta (oyunun adı)
    The kids are outside playing it; they seem to be having a lot of fun.