it (EN)
замеир، ном маъноӣ

Ин калима инчунин метавонад шакли зерин бошад:
IT (сокинон)

замеир “it”

  1. он
    Where's the cat? Have you seen it?
  2. кӯдак (дар мавриди номаълум будани ҷинс ё вақте ки муҳим нест)
    Look at the child laughing; it's so happy!
  3. Гапзан
    "Hello, who is it?" "It's Sarah, can I speak to Mike?"
  4. он
    It's raining outside, so we'll have to cancel the picnic.
  5. он хусусият
    He's 75 and still playing gigs; he's definitely still got it.
  6. он (дар мавриди сӯҳбат дар бораи фаъолияти ҷинсӣ)
    The movie implied that they were about to do it but didn't show anything explicit.
  7. ҳама
    I've unpacked everything; that's it.

ном маъноӣ “it”

it, singular only
  1. "давгир" (бозигаре, ки дар бозии "давгир" бошад)
    You can't catch me because I'm not it!
  2. "давгир" (номи бозии "tag" дар Британия)
    The kids are outside playing it; they seem to be having a lot of fun.