balance (EN)

名词 “balance”

sg. balance, pl. balances or uncountable
  1. 平衡
    To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's important to find a balance between work and relaxation.
  2. 心理平衡
    Despite the chaos around her, she maintained her balance and made decisions with a clear mind.
  3. 平衡物(用于提供稳定性的物体)
    To keep the seesaw level, a heavier child sat on one end as a balance for a lighter child on the other.
  4. 天平
    The jeweler placed the gold ring on one side of the balance and weights on the other to determine its mass.
  5. 公正考虑(理解并公平考虑问题的所有方面的能力)
    In a heated debate, it's important to maintain balance and consider both sides of the argument.
  6. 资产负债表
    The accountant reviewed the balance sheet to ensure that the debits and credits matched perfectly.
  7. 余额
    After reviewing my expenses, I realized my account balance was lower than I expected.

动词 “balance”

balance; he balances; past balanced, part. balanced; ger. balancing
  1. 使...平衡(在天平的两边使重量相等)
    She balanced the scale by adding a small weight to the lighter side.
  2. 保持平衡(在狭窄的基座上保持某物稳定,尝试防止其倒下)
    She balanced a stack of books on her head as she walked across the room.
  3. 平衡(与...相平衡,对待两种不同的事物以相等的重要性)
    He balanced studying for his exams with spending time with his friends.
  4. 权衡(与...相比较,决定哪个更重要)
    When planning our vacation, we balanced the desire for adventure against the need for relaxation.
  5. 对账(调整财务账目,使借贷总额相匹配)
    After adding the recent expenses, she balanced her checkbook to ensure all transactions matched her bank records.