reading (EN)

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
read (feʼl)

ot “reading”

sg. reading, pl. readings or uncountable
  1. oʻqish (matnni tushunish)
    Her reading improved significantly after attending the summer literacy program.
  2. koʻrsatkich (masalan, hisoblagich yoki oʻlchagichda)
    The thermometer's reading showed that the temperature had dropped to freezing overnight.
  3. oʻqish kechasi (odamlar yozilgan asarlarni tinglash uchun yigʻiladigan tadbir)
    The author's book reading at the local library attracted a large crowd.
  4. talqin (biror narsani qanday tushunish yoki izohlash)
    Her reading of the poem differed from mine, emphasizing themes of hope rather than despair.
  5. talaffuz (ayniqsa, xitoy yoki yapon tillaridagi harf yoki soʻzning)
    The Japanese character "生" has multiple readings, including "sei" and "shō" when it's part of a compound word, and "ikiru" or "nama" when it stands alone.
  6. oʻquv materiallari (kitoblar yoki maqolalar kabi)
    She packed her reading for the flight.
  7. muhokama bosqichi (qonun loyihasi koʻrib chiqiladigan va muhokama qilinadigan jarayon)
    The bill was approved during its second reading in the Senate.
  8. oʻqilgan oyat (oddiyda diniy) (tinglovchilarga baland ovoz bilan oʻqiladigan matn)
    The priest selected a meaningful reading from the Bible to share with the congregation during Sunday service.