ˈbiːkən US UK

beacon (EN)

ot “beacon”

birlik beacon, koʻplik beacons
  1. ogohlantiruvchi yoki signal beruvchi yorug'lik (dushman yaqinlashayotganda)
    As the enemy troops advanced, the villagers lit a beacon on the hilltop to warn the neighboring towns.
  2. dengizchilarga yo'l ko'rsatuvchi va xavflardan ogohlantiruvchi belgi (quruqlikda yoki sathi suvda joylashtirilgan)
    The lighthouse served as a beacon, guiding ships safely around the treacherous rocks.
  3. umid yoki xavf haqida ogohlantiruvchi ramziy narsa
    In the midst of the crisis, the charity's relief efforts were a beacon of hope to those in need.
  4. yaqin atrofdagi mobil qurilmalarga signal yuboruvchi elektron qurilma (ma'lum funksiyalarni yaqinlashganda faollashtiradi)
    The museum installed beacons throughout the exhibits, which sent information to visitors' smartphones about the artwork.
  5. foydalanuvchi xatti-harakatini kuzatuvchi yoki ma'lumot to'playdigan veb-saytdagi kichik kod parchasi
    The company's website used a beacon to track user behavior and gather analytics for targeted advertising.