fiil “carry”
infinitive carry; ol carries; geçmiş wagty carried; geçmiş part. carried; ger. carrying
- götermek
Hasaba alyň, mysal sözlemleriň terjimelerini we her bir sözüň bir dilli düşündirişlerini görmek üçin.
She carried her sleeping toddler upstairs to bed.
- ýanymda saklamak
She always carries her phone in her purse.
- ýarag götermek
At the crowded concert, it was hard to tell if anyone was carrying a gun under their jackets.
- pikiri ýa-da ýagdaýy başga bir kontekste geçirmek
The journalist carried the story of the small town's festival onto the national news, sharing their unique traditions with a wider audience.
- suw ýa-da elektrik ýaly maddany geçiriji arkaly daşamak
The wires carry electricity from the power plant to homes and businesses.
- geçiriji kesel bolmak (keseli başgalara ýokuşdyryp biljek)
Mosquitoes can carry malaria, infecting many people in tropical regions.
- goldamak (bir gurluşyň agramyny çekmek ýaly)
The sturdy table carried all the heavy books without wobbling.
- göwrelilikde bolmak
After the ultrasound, they were thrilled to learn that she was carrying a healthy baby girl.
- birini ýa-da bir zady belli bir ugurda täsirlemek
His charisma carried the audience through the complex presentation.
- satuwa çykarmak (belli bir harydy)
The local supermarket carries a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables.
- topara karar kabul etdirmek
After much debate, the committee carried the proposal to increase funding for local schools.
- matematiki goşma işinde bir sany başga sütüne geçirmek (sütündäki jemiň bahasyny aşanda)
When adding 768 and 349, you carry the 1 from the sum of 17 in the ones column to the tens column.
- oýunda aýratyn gowy oýnamak (köplenç beýleki oýunçylardan has gowy)
Despite being the youngest player, she carried her team to victory, scoring the most points in the tournament.
at sözi “carry”
ýekelik carry, köplük carries
- göteriş şekili
When hiking with a backpack, it's important to find a comfortable carry to avoid straining your back.
- ýarag götermegiň hereketi (döwlet kanunlary tarapyndan düzgünleşdirilýär)
In Texas, open carry laws allow residents to carry a handgun visibly in a holster.
- matematiki goşma işinde indiki sütüne geçirilýän goşma san
When adding 58 and 67, you write down the 5, carry the 1, and then add it to the sum of the next column.
- bir emlägiň wagtlaýyn saklanmagyndan alnan girdeji ýa-da çykdajy
The carry of holding these bonds is quite favorable, yielding an extra 2% annually.