sögn “carry”
nafnháttur carry; hann carries; þátíð carried; lh. þt. carried; nhm. carrying
- bera
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She carried her sleeping toddler upstairs to bed.
- hafa með sér
She always carries her phone in her purse.
- vera vopnaður (hafa vopn með sér)
At the crowded concert, it was hard to tell if anyone was carrying a gun under their jackets.
- flytja (hugmynd eða aðstæður)
The journalist carried the story of the small town's festival onto the national news, sharing their unique traditions with a wider audience.
- leiða (vatn eða rafmagn)
The wires carry electricity from the power plant to homes and businesses.
- bera smit (vera smitberi)
Mosquitoes can carry malaria, infecting many people in tropical regions.
- styðja (byggingarhluti sem styður þyngd)
The sturdy table carried all the heavy books without wobbling.
- vera þunguð (í merkingunni að bera barn)
After the ultrasound, they were thrilled to learn that she was carrying a healthy baby girl.
- hafa áhrif á (stýra einhverjum eða einhverju í ákveðna átt)
His charisma carried the audience through the complex presentation.
- bjóða (hafa til sölu)
The local supermarket carries a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables.
- samþykkja (taka ákvörðun eða samþykkja tillögu)
After much debate, the committee carried the proposal to increase funding for local schools.
- flytja (í stærðfræðilegri samlagningu)
When adding 768 and 349, you carry the 1 from the sum of 17 in the ones column to the tens column.
- skara fram úr (í íþróttaleik)
Despite being the youngest player, she carried her team to victory, scoring the most points in the tournament.
Nafnorð “carry”
eintala carry, fleirtala carries
- burðarháttur
When hiking with a backpack, it's important to find a comfortable carry to avoid straining your back.
- vopnaburður
In Texas, open carry laws allow residents to carry a handgun visibly in a holster.
- yfirfærsla (í stærðfræðilegri samlagningu)
When adding 58 and 67, you write down the 5, carry the 1, and then add it to the sum of the next column.
- fjárhagslegur ávinningur eða kostnaður (af eign yfir tíma)
The carry of holding these bonds is quite favorable, yielding an extra 2% annually.