show (EN)
sloveso, podstatné meno

sloveso “show”

show; he shows; past showed, part. shown; ger. showing
  1. ukázať
    She showed him the new features of the software.
  2. zjaviť sa (alebo objaviť sa)
    As the snow melted, the first signs of spring began to show.
  3. preukázať
    The king decided to show mercy to the prisoner.
  4. dokázať
    The experiment showed that the new vaccine was effective.
  5. zaviesť
    The hostess showed the guests to their seats.
  6. zúčastniť sa
    We waited for an hour, but they never showed.
  7. umiestniť sa na treťom mieste
    In the last race, my horse managed to show, earning me a small prize.
  8. ukázať karty
    After the final bet, he hesitated but finally decided to show.

podstatné meno “show”

sg. show, pl. shows or uncountable
  1. divadelné predstavenie
    The Broadway show received standing ovations every night.
  2. výstava
    The annual car show attracted enthusiasts from across the country.
  3. filmové predstavenie
    We decided to go out and see a show at the local cinema.
  4. demonštrácia
    The military parade was a clear show of strength.
  5. na oko (v zmysle niečo, čo je len na okázalosť)
    His friendly attitude was just for show; he didn't actually care.
  6. veľké ligy (v kontexte bejzbalu, používa sa aj v slovenčine)
    After years in the minor leagues, he's hoping this season he'll break into the show.