ɡɛt US UK

get (EN)
verb, substantiv

verb “get”

infinitiv get; el gets; trecut got; part. trecut got, gotten uk; ger. getting
  1. a primi
    She got a lovely bouquet of flowers from her friend.
  2. a obține
    I went to the store and got a new phone.
  3. a aduce, a lua
    Could you get me a glass of water from the kitchen?
  4. a ajunge într-o stare sau condiție
    As the sun set, she got tired and decided to head home.
  5. a face ca ceva sau cineva să ajungă într-o stare sau condiție
    The surprise party got her really excited for her birthday.
  6. a convinge pe cineva să facă ceva
    He managed to get his friend to help him move on Saturday.
  7. a determina pe cineva să se deplaseze într-un loc
    She got the tiny dog into the bag by giving it a treat.
  8. a se poziționa sau a ajunge într-un anumit loc sau stare
    After the lunch break, the students quickly got back to their seats for the next lesson.
  9. a parcurge o anumită distanță
    We got ten kilometers before the car broke down.
  10. a începe o acțiune sau activitate
    You need to get working on your homework if you want to finish before dinner.
  11. a folosi o formă de transport care funcționează după un orar
    "Which bus do you get?" "I usually get the 3:30 bus."
  12. a răspunde (la un apel telefonic sau la soneria ușii)
    I was in the shower when the doorbell rang, so I yelled for my roommate to get it.
  13. a avea ocazia să facă ceva
    She gets to travel to Paris next month for work.
  14. a înțelege
    After explaining the joke several times, she finally said, "Oh, now I get what you mean!"
  15. a primi un comentariu sau o opinie
    "You kind of look like George Clooney" "Yeah, I get that a lot."
  16. a fi (voce pasivă neoficială)
    She got stung by a bee.
  17. a se îmbolnăvi de
    She got the flu after her trip to the crowded theme park.
  18. a păcăli
    She got me good with her April Fool's joke—I totally believed she had won the lottery.
  19. a deruta
    The riddle was so tricky it completely got me; I couldn't figure out the answer at all.
  20. a avea ca răspuns la un test
    After checking the manual, I finally got the correct code to reset the alarm system.
  21. a aresta
    After years on the run, the detective got the fugitive.
  22. a auzi și înțelege complet
    The music was so loud at the party that I couldn't get what you were saying.
  23. a elimina sau a ucide
    The mob boss ordered his henchman to get the traitor before he could testify.
  24. a măsura
    Can you get the width of the table before we buy the tablecloth?
  25. a amuza
    This joke always gets me.

substantiv “get”

singular get, plural gets
  1. urmași
    The farmer proudly referred to the newborn calf as his prized cow's latest get.